Welcome to my blog!

I am Daisy B. Cooper. I live in the wonderful and historic town of Springfield. I work full-time as a pharmacist in the local drug store. I am a Gemini, and my favorite color is purple since it combines the stability of blue and the fierce energy of red.

Daisy and Jake

Following my beloved boyfriend Jake’s advice, I finally decided to share my passion for cooking with the world! Here I share some of my favorite recipes, secrets, tips, and tricks to keep life simple and cheerful. My style and dishes are very eclectic. I grew up on a farm, but we are very close to the city with a melting pot of cultures and styles, so I take a little bit from each and make it my own.

Daisy standing by the water

I sure hope you get to enjoy these killer dishes as much as I did when I was creating them.

Let’s get in touch! You can choose to be notified of new posts by email by checking the box at the bottom of the posts. Don’t worry; I won’t bug you daily. I am too busy for that! It is a simple nudge to let you know a new recipe is up.